Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'Sunset Boulevard' Hits Shanghai

Sunset Boulevard is a haunting and magnificent tale of faded glory and unfulfilled ambition.

Silent movie star Norma Desmond longs for a return to the big screen, having been discarded by Tinseltown with the advent of 'talkies,' her glamour having departed in all but her mind.

When she meets struggling Hollywood screenwriter Joe Gillis under dramatic circumstances, their subsequent passionate and volatile relationship leads to an unforeseen and tragic conclusion.

Based on the 1950 American black comedy film noir of the same name, which was written and directed by Billy Wilder, Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical masterpiece Sunset Boulevard features the songs 'The Perfect Year,' 'As If We Never Said Goodbye,' 'New Ways to Dream,' 'With One Look' and – of course – 'Sunset Boulevard.'

Click below code to get your tickets now:

Apr 18-26 2pm & 7.30pm; RMB580-1,280 

AIA Grand Theatre 889 Dongdaming Lu, by Gongping Lu, Hongkou District 东大名路889号, 近公平路

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