Shock as ride-hailing car with taped-up damaged boot go viral

Shock ensued as photos of a ride-hailing car with a taped-up damaged boot in eastern China went viral, raising safety concerns on mainland social media.

A netizen recently shared an image of a severely dented ride-sharing vehicle driving through Qingdao, a city in Shandong province.

The car's boot was so badly damaged that its shape was completely distorted and covered in transparent adhesive tape to keep it closed. Additionally, the vehicle bore several significant scuffs.

The individual wrote on Weibo: "It's shocking; it feels like this car could fall apart at any moment."

The driver is a middle-aged woman whose car was rear-ended by a drunk driver several months ago. The responsible party refused to cover the repair costs, leaving the vehicle unrepaired, according to mainland media outlet Xiaoxiang Morning News.

To keep the boot sealed for heat preservation, the woman used tape. As temperatures dropped, photos circulating online showed that she began using foam tape to further enhance its warmth retention.

Despite its poor condition, the woman takes great care of the car, with a netizen capturing footage of her meticulously washing it.

The woman's name and whether she holds any other jobs besides driving this car have not been disclosed.

A Weibo user shared their experience riding in the car, stating they got off early and switched to the subway for safety.

"When I was in this woman's car, she kept dozing off on the road and braking suddenly, which scared me," the user claimed.

Another netizen reported the driver to the ride-hailing company, complaining about her "terrible car condition" and "poor service attitude".

As of this writing, the woman has not responded to the complaints regarding her vehicle.

The Qingdao City Transportation Bureau confirmed that the woman's car ceased operation on November 1 and is currently undergoing repairs.

In China, driving a damaged vehicle is illegal, with violators facing fines of up to 2,000 yuan (US$280) and potential suspension of their licence.

If a driver operates a non-compliant vehicle and causes an accident, they could face up to three years in prison.

The incident has sparked widespread discussion on mainland social media.

Source :

Editor: Crystal H


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