Man Fatally Shot After Being Mistaken for Game in Central China

Man Fatally Shot After Being Mistaken for Game in South-Central China

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On November 12, reports emerged from the New Beijing News Video that a man in Hengnan, Hunan Province, may have been fatally shot after being mistaken for an animal by hunters.

According to sources familiar with the case, on the evening of November 1, the victim was fishing at a wild pond in Baogai Town. Three hunters were nearby, and one of them allegedly mistook the man for prey, firing a shot that struck him below the collarbone, piercing his lung. The hunters, reportedly from another village, had been hunting in a vehicle, and the individual who fired the shot reportedly took his own life the day after the incident. The other two hunters have since been detained by the police.

The local town mayor, Zhu Zaizhou, indicated that officials have been providing support and comfort to the victim's family following the incident. Meanwhile, the Baogai Police Station has confirmed that an investigation into the case is ongoing.

Source: 黄河新闻网

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