韩海娇 黄一埔|美国附表A案件剖析:中国跨境电商胜出的实践路径




Author: Yipu Huang
Monash University
J.D. expected 2024

Supervised by Heidy Haijiao Han

Licensed in China and California, USA 

[email protected]

+86 138 1840 8820

The ins and outs of Schedule A cases in the U.S. / 美国附表A案件来龙去脉

In recent years, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois has seen a significant increase in the number of IP infringement cases it handles, rapidly becoming a hotspot for IP infringement lawsuits against Chinese cross-border e-commerce companies in the United States. The majority of these cases are known as "Schedule A cases" where the defendants' information is submitted confidentially in "Schedule A". According to Local Rule 26.2 of the court, plaintiff can file a lawsuit and list the defendants' names in a non-public "Schedule A" without having to disclose specific defendant names and information in the complaints. As a result, defendants are initially unaware of the lawsuits filed against them, which aligns with the plaintiff's intentions. 

As the first step of "Schedule A" lawsuits, plaintiff file the complaint and Schedule A. Plaintiff refers to defendants collectively as "Schedule A Defendants" in the complaint, thus not publicly disclosing the identities of the defendants. Plaintiff attorneys submit a sealed list of defendants in Schedule A, making it inaccessible to any third party other than the plaintiff and the court from the federal court's case filing database.

After filing the complaint, plaintiff will submit a unilateral motion applying for a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). According to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP), the issuance of a TRO can proceed without a hearing or even notifying the defendants. Once the TRO is granted, plaintiff immediately deliver it to third-party e-commerce platforms. Platforms will temporarily prohibit the shops from continuing to sell infringing products and freeze the shops' assets and payment accounts. Subsequently, plaintiff will serve the complaint and TRO on the defendants.

After the service of complaint and TRO, plaintiff will apply for Preliminary Injunction to extend the relief granted in the TRO during the litigation. After the enforcement of Preliminary Injunction, plaintiff will offer settlement terms to responding defendants. At this stage, defendants' e-commerce business and accounts are frozen, making them eager to resolve the issue quickly by accepting the plaintiff's proposed settlement terms, and being forced to pay a substantial settlement fee.

Lastly, plaintiff will apply to the court for a Default and Default Judgment against defendants who have not responded, and courts typically grant Default Judgments in support of the plaintiff's main litigation requests. Defendant may be ordered to (1) be prohibited to sell any infringing products in the US and on any online marketplace and pay either of actual damages plus the profits generated from the selling of infringing products or statutory damages pursuant to 17 USC §504, at the plaintiff's election.

In accordance with 17 USC §504, for infringement concerning any one work involved in the action, statutory damages could exceed $750 for individual infringer, or $30,000 when two or more infringers are liable jointly and severally. While the statutory damages may be increased to no more than $150,000 in cases of wilful infringement, the court may reduce the statutory damages to not less than $200 if the infringer was not aware and had no reason to believe that his or her acts constituted an infringement of copyright.

Seek sufficient time for negotiation and settlement while preparing for the defense 争取充足时间谈判和解并同时做答辩准备

Motion to Alternative Service or Dismiss. Pursuant to Rule 4(f) of FRCP, court documents can be served to foreign defendants (1) by means under the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents (Convention) for service within contracting state of the Convention. As both U.S. and China are contracting states to the Convention, service to the defendant in China must be conducted by requesting the central authority designated by China to service the documents, rather than email service, which would be invalid. By filing a motion to alternative service, the court may order the plaintiff to serve the documents in accordance with the Convention, thereby providing more time for settlement negotiations or preparation of defence.  


Motion for Extension of Time to AnswerIf the above motion is denied, an extension for the defense period may be requested. If the original deadline for filing an Answer has not passed, the court generally grants an extension if there is a good cause. If original deadline has passed, the court might grant an extension if the deadline was missed due to excusable neglect. 


Potential settlement terms may include (1) paying certain amount of royalty to plaintiff in exchange for a license agreement for the patent, or (2) ceasing to sell any allegedly infringing products. Subject to negotiations, plaintiff may demand compensation in addition to the above terms. Settlement can be legalised either by settlement Agreement or consent Judgement. A settlement agreement, similar to civil mediation agreement in China, is a resolution between disputing parties to settle their dispute without proceeding to judgment. Upon execution of settlement agreement, the lawsuit will generally be terminated by plaintiff's motion to withdraw. In the absence of such motion, the defendant can file the settlement agreement with a motion to dismiss to the court to terminate the lawsuit. Alternatively, by joint submission of settlement terms to the court, a consent judgement can be issued without defendant's admission of infringement. Similar to civil mediation paper in China, while a consent judgement is enforceable against the defendant, it is not subject to appeal in normal circumstances.  


Answer. If a settlement is not reached before the deadline for filing an Answer, the case may proceed to trial, and the defendant must file an Answer as soon as possible to avoid a default judgment. Negotiations can continue during the proceedings, and a settlement can be reached at any time before the judgment is made.


In conclusion, mastering the complexities of Schedule A cases in the U.S., along with the strategies for negotiating and defending against such claims, is vital for Chinese cross-border e-commerce companies. By being proactive and thoroughly prepared, these companies can better navigate legal challenges and safeguard their business interests in a fiercely competitive market.


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