We Are All In This Together

Source: China Daily

For all the differences countries have demonstrated in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is one outstanding global consensus: we are all in this together.

It is therefore sad that when the world needs international synergy more than ever, global pandemic containment endeavors are being taken hostage by escalating geopolitical wrangling.

In a latest blow to the global public health regime, the US administration has decided to withhold the country's funds to the World Health Organization.

There are legitimate fears about the potentially devastating potential should the pandemic break the fragile public health systems of developing nations. To prevent the pandemic from hitting where it will hurt humanity the most, no one is in a better position than the WHO to play the role of global coordinator of the global campaign against this common threat. Particularly as the most technically capable, financially well-off nations themselves are preoccupied with self-protection.

Multiple governments have come to the WHO's defense, highlighting its irreplaceable role in the ongoing anti-pandemic campaign. And the philanthropist Bill Gates has promised emergency financial support.

Countries must put their COVID-19 responses front and center, mitigate the harm done by the pandemic, and assist those members of the international community that are least able to respond, so that all countries can bring the pandemic situation under control as soon as possible.

The United Nations will be 75 this year, COVID-19 is reminding countries of the continuous, and increasing value of multilateralism in a closely connected world. We will only halt COVID-19 through solidarity. No country can do it alone.

Countries, health partners and the private sector must work together to speed up the development of health technologies, vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics for the safety of everybody, as no one will be safe until we all are.


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