US Embassy Tips for Dealing with Discrimination in China

On Friday, a security alert was posted on the US Embassy and Consulates in Chinas official website providing helpful information on how to report discrimination against foreign nationals in the PRC. The US Embassy said that diplomatic staff are following reported incidents and sharing the information with authorities.

Below is the official statement published by the US Embassy Beijing:

In response to reports of discrimination against foreign citizens the Chinese government has reiterated that all public health measures, including mandatory testing and quarantine policies, apply equally to both Chinese citizens and foreigners. Government officials have also stated that they are committed to preventing or resolving instances of discrimination against foreign citizens present in China. If you believe that you are experiencing discrimination by private or public institutions based on your nationality, ethnicity, or skin color, you may report it by calling the police by dialing 110.

If you chose to report, identify yourself as an American citizen and ask for an English-speaking officer, if needed, then report the discrimination you are experiencing and ask them to respond.  Do not leave the scene unless you feel your life is in danger, because police might not respond if the aggrieved person departs.  After reporting the incident, please contact the nearest American Citizens Services Unit, using the contact information below, to inform us of the circumstances and resolution.  U.S. diplomatic posts in the Peoples Republic of China are tracking these incidents and bringing them to the attention of the authorities as citizens request and circumstances warrant.

READ MORE: Turbulent Times for Foreigners in China as COVID-19 Spikes Overseas

[Cover image via Unsplash]

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