With life gradually getting back to normal across China, many provinces and cities have already taken steps towards announcing when students summer vacation would officially start.
Heres a comprehensive list of such cities:
Nanjing, Jiangsu province
According to the latest school calendar, summer vacation will begin on July 18 for primary and secondary schools.
Qingyang, Gansu province
Considering the delays due to the recent pandemic, all students in primary and secondary schools (including secondary vocational schools) will be required to attend classes on Saturday mornings, while students in junior high and high school will be given classes all day on Saturdays.
Students in grades below junior high will have Saturday afternoons and all of Sunday to rest, while students in or above junior high will have Sunday only.
Summer vacation for primary and secondary schools is expected to start on July 31.
Chengdu, Sichuan province
Primary school students in Chengdu are in luck, as their summer vacation begins as soon as July 8, while middle school grades (including secondary vocational schools) will start their summer holiday on July 16.
To make up for lost time, one additional hour of class will be added to school day until the summer. However, institutions are, in principle, not allowed to use weekends and public holidays for make-up lessons.
Neijiang, Sichuan province
Schools summer vacation in Neijiang will be adjusted based on their level of education: kindergartens and special education schools will be closed from July 4th; primary schools will be closed as of July 18; and middle schools (including secondary vocational schools) will be closed from July 25.
Panzhihua, Sichuan
There will be no weekend classes scheduled for primary, junior high, and other grades that are not expected to be graduating this year.
High school entrance exams will be postponed to July 12, 15, and 21 (solstice).
Compulsory education is not arranged for the weekend of the third grade, the end of the spring semester is on July 9.
High school education (including secondary vocational school) non-graduation grade (secondary vocational school is the non-2020 college entrance examination class) will not have classes on weekends, and the spring semester will end on July 15.
Special education schools and kindergartens will not have classes on weekends, and the end of the spring semester will be implemented according to the compulsory education school.
Nanchong, Sichuan province
This ones pretty straightforward: all schools of all levels in the city will have their summer holidays start on July 25.
Yiyang City, Hunan province
With schools now back on, classes will be arranged on Saturdays as a normal school day.
Except for grades 9 and 12, all other students will start their summer vacation no later than July 20.
Chenzhou, Hunan
Primary and secondary schools will start their summer vacation on July 31.
Source: xinhua
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