New Measures During Coronavirus That Could Affect You!

Source: OT-Team (AFJ)

On April 9th, new regulations have been announced!

The Announcement

The State Council of China issued a guidance on orderly promoting resumption of work and production amid effective epidemic prevention and control, where it is stipulated that delivery men shall be allowed to enter the community for distribution.

In addition to the express delivery industry, the guidance aims to promote the resumption of the service industry and whole industry chain, with the specific measures as follows.

Anti-Epidemic Measures Adapted to the Actual Situations

Adjust measures to local conditions to recover the system of the social production. In low-risk areas, the prevention and control measures which hamper the normal life shall be timely lifted, while in medium-and-high-risk areas like Hubei, Beijing, adapted measures shall be taken according to the local situations.

Measures on International and Domestic Market

All the local governments shall promote the resumption of each enterprise in the supply chain, especially for the relevant enterprises and products which are facing the global industrial chains. Domestically, the governments shall comprehensively resume the operation of agricultural trade markets to ensure the food supply.

Measures on Service Industry

In low-risk areas, the business owners can decide the timing of work resumption. Business owners in culture, tourism and catering industries must provide booking services to avoid crowds. Besides, the national cultural and sports activities and cross-border tourism will not be restored for the time being.

Additionally, the delivery personnel shall be allowed to enter the community/ village for distribution.


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