Everyone hates Chinese measure words, I know
From my point of view, not all measure words are difficult to learn as many Chinese measure words are "container" related, like in English - a "cup" of coffee or a "bowl" of soup. So in this case, you just need to remember these often used nouns like "box", "glass", "plate", "bag" etc. At the same time, you have mastered some very frequently used measure words!
bottle - - pngzi
box - - hzi
bowl - - wn
basin - - pnzi
bag - - dizi
plate - - pnzi
Here you go, remember how to say these "containers" in Chinese, then put them between the number and the noun. But do remember to drop the "zi" when you use the words as measure words. For instance, you can't say "ypnzi shugu", instead, you should say " y pn shugu".
Here are more examples:
a bottle of beer - y png pji
two bowls of rice - ling wn mfnuse instead of here!
three basins of water - sn pn shu
four boxes of biscuits - s h bnggn
five bags of apples - w di pnggu
Today I want to tell you about another group of measure words of which the usage may be less obvious, and might even strike you as odd. These expressions might take you some time to get used to and to remember. After reading this article, I hope you won't get stuck with measure words any more!
Let's have a look one by one:
1 tio
The textbook tells us that "" is a measure word for "long" items. You can use "" for trousers(kzi) and dress(qnzi). What else other long items can "" measureYou can never imagine Chinese people group so many various long things together by using ""
(1) "long" animalsdog - y tio gu fish - y tio ysnake - y tio y
(2) message (as you can see from the picture, messages appear as long pieces)
a Wechat message - y tio wixn
(3) linea line - y tio xin
a metro line - y tio dti xin
(4) river & roada river - y tio la road - y tio l
2 jinTake a look at the character of "": Person radical "" on the left with cow "" on the right, meaning the person decomposing the cow. This is where the current meaning "piece" came from. But we don't use "" to measure general pieces nowadays. The textbook says "" is a measure word for clothes. What I want to remind you here is "" can also be used to measure "thing/matter".
e.g.W jntin ti mng leshu tu yu qb jin sh yo zuI'm too busy today. I have 7-8 things to do on hand.
3 bn
We all know "" means "class, shift", but with the meaning of "regular term", "" could also be used for measuring flights or other schedules of bus, train and ferry.
e.g.: 45Shnghi do Bijng mitin yu sshw bn gotiThere are 45 fast trains from Shanghai to Beijing every day.
4 b
Most of you have probably known, "b" is a measure word for things with handle or amount that you can hold in your hand.
/////y b yzi/jindo/do/sn/shnzi/xiotqna(n) chair/scissors/knife/umbrella/fan/violin
/y b t/shzia handful of soil/sands
5 ji
Remember, "ji" not only means home! "" is also a measure word for organizations like shop, company, hospital.
///y ji din/chosh/yyun/gngsa shop/supermarket/ company
e.g.:3W ji fjn yu sn ji XngbkThere are 3 Starbucks near my home.
You got it? I hope this article has solved you a part of the puzzle about measure words. Now since you know these "secrets", start to practice them in your daily speaking from today!
Many foreign friends have asked me:Does Chinese really have a specific measure word for every specific type of item?
I have to saymaybeyes. And certain measure words can have a strong association with the image of items it measures. For example, we use "du" to measure "flower (hu)" and "cloud (yn)" - these types of beautiful images. Therefore, "du" itself also start to convey nice implication. You will see many Chinese girls' nickname is "".
In the same way, there are definitely measure words for weird stuff in Chinese. To answer the question in the title: What's the weirdest measure word in Chinese?
I nominate "tu". Why?
Well, ask your Chinese friends around, to see if they're the same as me, also couldn't help associating this to .
That's all for today! See you next time!
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