Major Regulations Affecting All E-Bike Owners in 2020!

A number of new regulations on the use of electric vehicles will be implemented across the country, effective January 1st, 2020, which the GiCexpat team researched and summarized by cities and regions that will be impacted. 

Wuxi, Jiangsu province

A centralized campaign will be carried out against e-bikes in the city, with strict investigations and punishments for anyone using e-bikes without a registered license plate, a municipal temporary information plate, and other anything else violating traffic rules implemented by the city.

Shanwei, Guangdong province

As of January 1st, 2020, traffic police officers will begin seizing unregistered electric vehicles. Owners need to apply for their registration at the nearest police department in accordance with the new regulations in place in order to use their vehicle safely and lawfully.

Shaoguan, Guangdong province

Unauthorized e-bikes that have not obtained a temporary license plate are prohibited from being used on the citys roads.

Shiyan, Hubei province

Unregistered e-bike owners will be fined RMB 50. Anyone refusing to pay the fine will see their vehicle taken away by police officers.

Taiyuan, Shanxi province

Same as other cities mentioned above, any e-bike that is not registered and licensed will be seized by local authorities.

In Shandong province

As of June 1st , 2020, Any electric vehicle without a registered license plate on them will not be authorized to drive around provincial municipalities.

Efforts to regulate the use of e-bikes will be stepped up in the next year, with increase police input, strictly controlled traffic, licensed vehicle check-ins, and considerable punishments for anyone breaking the law.

Technology will be used more heavily to enforce these new regulations, including facial recognition and other types of off-site electronic monitoring.

Helmets must be worn while driving an e-bike.

Shaanxi province

After June 30th, 2022, the interim license plate for e-bikes exceeding the standard will be abolished and vehicles will not be allowed on the road.

Changsha, Hunan province

By March 2020, all electric bikes in Changsha will have to be licensed, otherwise they will be temporarily impounded until lawful registration has been processed by the owner.

If going electric in China was part of your 2020 resolutions, you had better make sure that your vehicle is properly registered in accordance with your local governments new regulations. 

That being said have a fantastic last evening in 2019, and a wonderful 2020 ahead!

Editor: Crystal H


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