Woman Criticized After What She Bought from the US

Source: JobTube, Arianna J., Josh B.

Recently, Ye, a successful Chinese woman, spent about $70,000 to buy sperm in the United States, and gave birth to a baby girl, has attracted wide attention in China.

Ye, 31-year-old, from Changchun, Jilin Province and a resident of Guangzhou, owns a cosmetics company. She has been criticized by many accusing her of being selfish as she gave birth to a baby girl via buying sperm. This resulted in her suffering from depression, but luckily, she gradually turned away from the secular perspective and said, "As a woman, I will give her as much love as possible as a mom as well as a dad."

Ye grew up in a difficult family. When she was young, she started from scratch and became a CEO. One day, at the age of 28, she suddenly thought, "Why do I work so hard?"

At that time, she found herself to be lacking in love. She wanted a family, but it seemed hard to find true love. After confirming that she was ready to be a parent, she decided to buy sperm.

At the age of 29, Ye went to the United States to choose the best donor, which was from people who attended famous Ivy League Schools. Ye said that in the end, she chose the sperm of two men. Stimulating ovulation, fetching eggs, embryos, transplantation and maternity testingit was all a complicated procedure. A tube of sperm cost more than $1,000, plus processing costs, the trip to the United States cost about $70,000.

Ye said that life was very interesting, and she watched the whole process of sperm implantation. When the little white spot was put into her uterus, she moved to tears, "I was finally pregnant."

However, not all the things went so smoothly. Ye was once depressed when she was pregnant and wondered if she was ready for a new life. But she said that after giving birth to her daughter, she felt different. She took care of her daughter every day, hoping to give her a good environment and great love.

Her daughter, Doris, has big brown eyes and is a beautiful, lovely and healthy baby. She has a strong learning ability and is around Ye every day.

Although the child was little, Ye began to think about how to explain her father to her. She prepared a fairy tale: "You came out of a watermelon. Mom bought a big watermelon, cut it and you came out.


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