When you hear about calligraphy, you might think of something as beautifully crafted lie this:
But paper isnt the only format artists may use to practice their craft. And I have to say, after seeing what they do with their paintbrush, I go: what the????
Lets find out!
If youre really trying to understand this one The point is to not look at what youre doing and writing something randomly. Makes sense, doesnt it?
While were on the topic, the video of an artist recently took the internet world by surprise, showing him hold several syringes filled with ink and shooting ink at rice paper with a dance performance along with it.
Check out the video and see how confused you get after watching it.
Haha, a little bit like a dog peeing while walking.
Another popular way of using calligraphy is to yell while doing it.
It doesnt matter how broken the paper is.
Just do it!
Have you ever tried calligraphy while learning Mandarin, or under any other circumstances?
Let us know about your experience in the comment section below!
Enjoy your weekend!
Photo Source: baidu
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