Grandpa Sold Washer for RMB 50 When It Was Worth 100,000!

On the morning of September 17, a 74-year-old man surnamed Zhang sold an old washing machine for RMB 50 to a hawker moving around and collecting waste products in his neighborhood.  However, he forgot that he had previously hidden RMB 100,000 worth of gold inside and sold it with the washing machine.

He didnt remember that detail until later that evening and was vexed.

Back in the day when Zhang was young, with no habit of depositing his money to the bank, he would save his had earned money and turn every bit into gold. He would then put that gold inside the chassis of his washing machine for safeguarding.

The following day, on September 18, Zhang rushed to the Chengdong police station to make his claim: Please help me, he said. I dont know what to do!

Officers used video tracking to find the person he had sold his home appliance to, which took nearly 10 hours before they managed to capture a clear footage of the license plate of the hawkers electric tricycle.

On September 20, Zhang and his daughter, led by a peddler, rushed to a waste collection station where they found the old washing machine among the old appliances that had not yet been dismantled, and successfully recovered his gold, worth RMB 100,000. "The police is good and helpful. They really serve the people." 

Zhang was grateful to recover his gold.

A reminder from police officers: to prevent such incidents from occurring, place whatever money you do not need immediately in your bank account so you may avoid unnecessary losses.

Upon hearing this news, netizens shared: Now the whole country knows where you hide your gold! 

Editor: Crystal Huang


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