Meaning of the Word
In China, you may often hear the Chinese say "".
Do you know what this means?
The word for mischievous or naughty child in Chinese is composed of (xing) which means bear and (hi zi) which means kid, or child. Put those together and you get (xing hi zi).
(xing hi zi)naughty child, wild kid.
So why do we use (xing hi zi) bear-child to describe a naughty child? The term is derived from the more northern Chinese dialects and generally refers to annoying, loud and mischievous children. What kind of children exactly?
Imagine for a second, those kids you might see in the stores going wild because their mom wont buy them the candy they wanted or the child in the movie theater who is talking loudly and laughing or screaming while everyone else is quiet.
Everyone knows that kid who throws a fit the minute they dont get their way, and dont like to follow the rules. They might make a complete mess in the house, or maybe people can hear their screams resound throughout the whole neighborhood.
You can often hear these mischievous kids on the bus or train, or in restaurants making a racket or causing trouble.
In the aftermath of their mischievous behavior usually, theres a parent or a loved one turning to people with a helpless look and saying, ! (n xing hi zi a) such a naughty kid! Because, after all, being naughty is in our nature!
Chinese Examples
Here are some examples of how to use (xing hizi) in your daily life!
n zh ge tiop de xing hizi.
You are such a naughty child.
zh qn xing hi zi b ji l nng de y tunzo.
This group of wild kids made a mess around the house.
zhyu dng losh yns qli, zh qn xing hizi ci hu guiguai tnghu.
Only if the teacher gets strict with them will the mischievous children actually listen to what she says.
t sh yge xing hizi.
She is a wild kid.
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Supervisor: Crystal Huang
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