This Chinese City Was Once Considered a Nuclear Base?!

Theres an ancient place somewhere in China that is known for the peculiar shape of its buildings, once poetically described as bearing the shape of a beautiful flower, with sides very similar to Tibets Potala Palace.  

This place is so special, it was added to UNESCOs list of world heritage sites in 2008.

It is said that American satellites once captured images of this site in the 1980s and noticed the particular inward-looking, circular or square floor plan of some of its buildings. 

At the time, it was believed to look very similar to missile launch facilities, which caused a lot of fear among foreign officials.

Luckily, this is nothing more than the magnificent county of Nanjing in Fujian province, where tulou (rural dwellings unique to the Hakka people in the mountainous region of southeastern Fujian) dominate this small, peaceful community.

This place is definitely worth a visit. This southeastern province is most especially known for its mesmerizing circular and squared tulou buildings.

Its history is just as fascinating as its architecture. Originally built for defense, every one of the hundreds of families living inside the tulou bears the same surname, which has descended across generations.

Nanjing Tulou

The buildings in Nanjing were built before the 11th century with unique shapes and styles that are commonly referred to as "mythical mountain buildings".

Have you ever traveled to Fujian before? 

Have you had the chance to take a close look at those incredible buildings and their surrounding landscapes? 

Let us know in the comment section below!

Source: Baidu

 Editor: Crystal Huang

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