The Curviest Road in China! Only 6.3 Kilometers but 68 Turns!

This road in Yiliang county, Yunnan province, is known as the twistiest, curviest road in China.

Over a 6.3 kilometer-stretch, this mountainous road takes a total of 68 turns from Yiliang county to Jinganshao village .

Many netizens have shared their thoughts upon seeing photos and videos of this head-twisting road, with comments like:

Oh man, I feel drunk now!"

"It's a good spot for race car lovers!

"I would have so much fun riding it on my motorcycle!!"

Fun fact: Yiliang has held 68 bike races along its now popular route - perfect for riders in need of a new thrill.

Had you heard about this place before?


 Editor: Crystal Huang

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