Have You Seen This "Secret Menu" on GuideinChina?

Living in China is undoubtedly challenging for both first-timers and those who have been around for several years. Thats where GuideinChina comes in.

By now, hopefully, you must have noticed how our writers and teams have worked relentlessly to provide you with many useful tips about life in China. 

These have included China visa needs, embassy information, national holiday calendar updates, trending jobs, law policies, Mandarin schools around the country, e-commerce channels, medical institutions, housing, and more!

And now, weve made it even easier for you to access all this information by listing service providers directly on our official account! 

Give it a try and youll find a wide range of helpful information. 

Give it a try and youll find a wide range of helpful information. 

Give it a try and youll find a wide range of helpful information. 

For every page listed, we asked our partner providers to share their most frequently asked questions.

More expat service channels will be published soon, so stay tuned and keep checking us out for upcoming updates!

Are there any other services that youd like to know more about?

How can we help make your life in China more convenient?

Let us know in the comment section below!

- Live a better life in China with GuideinChina -

 Editor: Crystal Huang

Editor's Pick

What the Real You Looks like When Taking Selfies on Social Media

China Introduced 12 New Immigration and Entry-Exit Measures!

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